the medieval archer

rubrique dédiée à l'archérie de combat/rúbrica dedicada a la arquería de combate
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le va-nu-pied
Messages: 285
Inscrit le: 20 Avr 2011, 01:00
Localisation: Sannois/bordeaux

Message10 Oct 2013, 08:05

SAlut à tous,

Un bouquin que j'ai découvert il y a peu, The Medieval Archer de Jim Bradbury (1985). IL traite principalement de l'archerie mais aussi un peu de l'arbalesteire. Désolé pour ceux qui ne parle pas anglais.

Un court résumé:

It is a delight to read a book which recognises the importance of warfare in medieval times...also...discusses the changing role of the archer in medieval society. SIR STEVEN RUNCIMANThis book traces the history of the archer in the medieval period, from the Norman Conquest to the Wars of the Roses. From a close study of early evidence, Mr Bradbury shows that the archer's role before the time of Edward I was an important but rarely documented one, and that his new prominence in the fourteenth century was the result of changes in development of military tactics rather than the introduction of the famous `longbow'. A second thread of the book examines the archer's role in society, with particular reference to that most famous of all archers, Robin Hood. The final chapters look at the archer in the early fifteenth century and then chronicle the rise of the handgun as the major infantry weapon at the bow's expense. JIM BRADBURY writes and lectures on battles and warfare in England and France in the middle ages.

Il y a aussi une gravure qui pourrait en intéressé certains :


Le va-nu-pied!

Messages: 3154
Inscrit le: 17 Oct 2013, 13:38
Localisation: moitié nord de la france :

Message28 Nov 2014, 20:40

The Medieval Archer de Jim Bradbury (1985), 198 pages

cf la
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l'histoire, c'est un compte de faits

"Si vous ne changez pas en vous-même, ne demandez pas que le monde change"

La documentation ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.

Kentoc'h mervel eget bezañ saotret


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